Policies & Regulations, Forms, and Documents
- Athletics Department Forms
- Attendance Policy
- Code Of Conduct
- Dignity for All Students Act (DASA)
- District Wellness Policy
- District Wide School Safety Plan
- Food & Nutrition Services Forms
- Health Services Forms
- Student Records Request Form
- Technology
Athletics Department Forms
Attendance Policy
Code Of Conduct
The Board of Education is committed to providing a safe and orderly school environment where students may receive and District personnel may deliver quality education services without disruption or interference. Responsible behavior by students, teachers, other District personnel, parents and other visitors is essential to achieving this goal.
Code of Conduct approved by BOE October 19, 2023 El código de conducta fue aprobado por la Junta el 19 de octubre de 2023
Dignity for All Students Act (DASA)
DASA provides public K-12 students with a safe and supportive environment free from discrimination, intimidation, taunting, harrassment, and bullying on school property.
District Wellness Policy
The District is committed to the optimal development of every student. This commitment to providing opportunities to achieve personal, academic, developmental, and social success requires that a positive, safe, and health-promoting learning environment is available to every student at every level.
District Wide School Safety Plan
Food & Nutrition Services Forms
Health Services Forms
Student Records Request Form
This form is to request transcripts, immunizations, and more. Records request are processed in the order they are received. Please allow a minimum of one week for processing. Contact (845) 326-1190 or recordsrequest@ecsdm.org for assistance.
SchoolMessenger Notification System is our communication platform that provides timely communitions on matters such as attendance, general interset activities and district emergenices. To get the most of this system, create SchoolMessenger profile and then download the app.
Follow these steps to get started:
1. Got to go.schoolmessenger.com and register and on the upper-right hand corner, click on Sign up.
2. Use the email address you provided your school to create the account. An email will be sent for authetication.
3. SchoolMessenger will automatically link the records associated with your email address.If you do not see all of your contacts click "Is someone still missing". On the next screen enter a phone number that your district has on file and select a verification method.
4. Once you logged-in, you can configure your how you would like to receive notifications. Click the Preferences link in the dropdown menu at the upper right of your screen (if you do not see the Preferences link please log out and log back in again).
5. Download the app, go to https://go.schoolmessenger.com/#/home or click on the links below.
SchoolMessenger at the Google Play Store | SchoolMessenger at the Apple App Store
If you require any assitance with SchoolMessenger, please email parent.portal@ecsdm.org
The District is committed to its vision to support learning in our schools and homes by building a community of learners that extends beyond the four walls of our classrooms. The Instructional Long-Range Technology Plan explains the strategies and intended outcomes of this mission.
THE INFINITE CAMPUS PARENT PORTAL provides parent/guardian access to information for all enrolled students in their household.
Infinite Campus (IC) Parent Portal Highlights
View the following items for your child:
Schedules | Marking Period Grades | School and District Messages | Surveys | BackPack for Report Cards
Need help with BackPack? Go to the BACKPACK TUTORIAL website.
Things to consider when reviewing student grades:
Be careful not to overreact. The information posted online shows only those assignments which have been recorded so far. Ongoing assessments may raise or lower a grade prior to the conclusion of the grading period.
Different courses and instructors have varying systems for evaluating work, calculating and reporting grades. If you need clarification/details on how a specific course calculates a grade, please email the teacher.
Online updates will vary from class to class. All online grades will be up to date at the designated report card posting date.
Ready to sign up, read below? Or have questions or need support? Email - PARENT.PORTAL@ECSDM.ORG
Go to any of the District's buildings to sign up. Please bring a photo ID with you at the time of sign-up.
Parents must comply with the District’s end user agreement as well as security requirements to assure the confidentiality and accuracy of the information provided in the portal.
Qualifications must be met by usernames and passwords, such as character length and password strength.
Each parent and/or guardian of each household should have their own individual account rather than one household account.
The accuracy of the information in the portal is a shared responsibility of the district, parents/guardians and students.
Time frames with regard to attendance and grade information will be made available.
The district agrees to provide free and the most accurate student information
The district maintains the right to add, modify and delete information and portal functions.
The portal is subject to electronic monitoring by the district, as well as other specific rights of the district.
The district can deny or cancel parents’ access with suitable cause
The portal remains the property of the District.
If you already have a chromebook assigned to you and it needs to be repaired before school starts, please click the following link to make a repair appointment: HTTPS://PICKATIME.COM/CLIENT?VEN=11615584&EVENT=354054
**Repairs before school starts are by APPOINTMENT ONLY at Presidential Park Elementary School: 48 Roosevelt Avenue, Middletown, NY, 10940.