Understanding Report Cards, Mid-Year Check-ins and Grading for Equity
At the January 16, 2025 Board of Education meeting, the district's Curriculum and Instruction Team gave a presentation titled "Empowering Scholar Success: Understanding Report Cards, Mid-Year Check-ins and Grading for Equity". The following information is taken from the presentation, with a link to download.
Understanding Report Cards
Viewing Report Cards on the Parent Portal
- Second Marking Period ends on January 31, 2025
- Interim reports and reports cards are available on the Parent Portal
- Click on "Campus Parent"
- Enter your username and password
- Report cards will be available for viewing around February 10, 2025
Elementary Report Cards
Report card information includes:
- Attendance
- Subskill and behavior rating
- + = Area of Strength
- Check mark = Satisfactory Performance
- - = Area of Concern
- Overall score for the subject
- 4 = Scholar is exceeding grade level standards
- 3 = Scholar is at grade level standard
- 2 = Scholar is approaching grade level standard
- 1 = Scholar is below grade level standard
- Assessment Data
- Comments about their academic and behavioral performance
Secondary Report Cards (Grades 6-12)
Report card information includes:
- Attendance
- Weighted and unweighted average
- Numerical course grades
- Comments about their academic and behavioral performance
- Assessment Data
Communicating with Educators
Family Teacher Conferences
- Elementary: March 10 and 13, 2025
- Middle School: March 12, 2025
- High School: March 11, 2025
Elementary schools utilize Classroom Dojo
All schools utilize
- Phone
All schools allow families to schedule a meeting with your child's educator outside of Family Teacher Conferences.
Grading for Equity
Our goal is to establish consistent grading practices, clear communication to scholars and families regarding the scholars’ knowledge and skills, and reduce bias in the grading process. We will begin with updates at the elementary level.
Elementary School Revised Grading Policy & Practices Updates
- Administration of ongoing common assessments in ELA and Mathematics
- Retake and Redo:
- Fundations unit assessments for scholars who score below 80%
- Response to Literature Tasks
- Math Skills Checks
- Utilization of rubrics to evaluate scholar work (The process includes both scholar and educators).
- Educators meet monthly to analyze scholar data, develop interventions and next steps
Middle School Revised Grading Policy & Practices Updates
- Educators have begun implementing new Grading For Equity practices:
- All courses are utilizing the same three weighted categories
- Learning Tasks, Assessment Tasks, Performance Tasks
- Soft-skills such as participation and preparedness are no longer being graded
- Educators are instead coaching and providing feedback to help scholars grow these skills
- Grades are easier to understand and track for scholars and families
- All courses are utilizing the same three weighted categories
- Educators are adhering to “floor grade”:
- Educators have implemented the grade floor of 50% for all assignments
- The grade floor helps us balance our grading scale and promotes scholars to stay motivated throughout the year
- Educators have implemented the grade floor of 50% for all assignments
- Educators have reached out to discuss mechanics of implementing the new policy and how to interpret grade data/provide feedback.
- Teachers are sharing ideas and best practices throughout the school year
- Continued coaching is being provided by Middle School IL’s and Teacher Leaders to help support educators in their conversations with scholars and families
High School Revised Grading Policy & Practices Updates
- Educators have implemented the Grading For Equity practices
- Universal categories and weights across content areas
- Communicated in course syllabus
- Midterm and final exams make-up 10% of the overall course grade for certain courses.
- The minimum grade for a good faith effort on a midterms and finals is 55%
- Classes are continuing with common skills checks, midterms, and finals throughout the year in ELA, Social Studies, Math, & Science
- Use of rubrics for Assessments
- Providing clear guidelines that show exactly what is expected and how the work will be graded. This makes it easy for everyone to understand what they need to do to succeed.
- Universal categories and weights across content areas
- Educators meet in content teams and 1:1 with ILs to analyze scholar data, develop interventions and next steps.
Important Dates
- January 31 - Making Period 2 Ends
- March 7 - Marking Period 3 Interim
- Family Teacher Conferences
- Elementary: March 10 and 13, 2025
- Middle School: March 12, 2025
- High School: March 11, 2025
- April 11 - Marking Period 3 Ends
- May 23 - Marking Period 4 Interim
- June 27 - Marking Period 4 Ends