Twin Towers construction update: Oct. 24
As part of the Superintendent's report at the Board of Education meeting on October 24, there was a construction update on the Twin Towers capital project. Here is the presentation
Included in the overview and goals:
Accomplish the voter-approved capital improvement projects with the least disruptive environment for our school community.
Complete specific construction projects at Twin Towers Middle School with as much of an “active construction” window as possible factoring in potential delays due to weather and/or supply chain issues.
Twin Towers Middle School opened in September 2024 on the same schedule as all other District campuses. Will open September 2025 on the same schedule as all other District campuses.
Continue to fulfill our commitment to our school community in a way that minimizes the disruption to our valued educators, staff, scholars, and our school community.
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See our Capital Projects section on the district website: