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New Dismissal Procedures for K-2

Presidential Park Elementary School building

Letter from Principal Lester

Dear Presidential Families,

We have been working incredibly hard to improve the safety procedures for our pick up and walk up dismissal in Kindergarten, First Grade, and Second Grade.  We will be beginning a new streamlining process on November 15 which will improve our time it takes to complete this dismissal.  We understand that the wait at the door and in line in your car has caused some frustration and we apologize for this inconvenience.  I am very hopeful in believing that this new system will make incredible improvements.

When you arrive at the school to pick up your student(s), you will be receiving your car sign (placard) and a card with a QR code on it to allow PPE staff to check in your students much faster. Your only responsibility is to have your picture ID, and the placard and QR Code with for every time you pick up your student at regular dismissal time.  We will do the rest!

For additional guidance, please read the instructions below.

Again, thank you for your patience with these dismissal changes. If you have any questions, please contact me at 845-326-1850.

Ms. Lester
Presidential Park Elementary

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Presidential Park Kindergarten, 1st, & 2nd Grade Scholar Pick-Up Dismissal Procedure

REGULAR Pick-Up - Sign out on the pick-up loop and Walk Up Area

Pick Up Loop:

  1. Families will be issued a placard for the car which will be displayed on the dashboard when they arrive at school.
  2. Cars with the placard will be directed by security to enter the lower loop.
  3. When a staff member comes to the window, please show the scholar QR code and adult picture ID to staff to check in your scholar. Staff member will:
    • Communicate inside of the school that your student is ready to be released from the cafeteria.
    • The staff member will return the QR code and ID to you.
    • The placard and the QR code provides the number your scholar is assigned to and will remain in the car with you for the next time you pick up your scholar.
    • You will be directed to follow the car line around the lower loop to wait for your scholar.

Walk Up Area:

  1. Families will park in the parking lot and walk up to the check in table.
  2. Families will need their picture ID and the Scholar's QR Code card to sign out their scholar.
  3. The staff member at the check in table will check your ID and Scan your QR Code.
  4. You will be directed to wait for your scholar in the front main entrance area.

What if you do not have a REGULAR pick up or are a ONE DAY pick up?

Without a number placard or QR code, staff will direct you to park in the lot and enter the school to complete the pick up process.

  • All one day pick ups take place in the main office.

Other reasons you may need to park in the lot may include those noted below or any other issues not noted here.

Person picking up:

  • You do not have a picture ID. The parent may be asked to go home to get the ID and sign their scholar out in the main office.
  • Scholar is not on a REGULAR pick up. (Only REGULAR pick up scholars can be signed out on the pick up loop or walk up area. All others must go inside to sign out.)
  • You are not listed in Infinite Campus as someone who can pick up.
  • Any other issue which does not align with the pick up procedure.

ONE DAY Pick Up - In the office

  • If a scholar is NOT an REGULAR PICKUP, please submit a written note or an email to the classroom teacher or the main office.
  • Parents will call the main office to change the dismissal for the day. Our clerical staff is to require the parent/guardian to follow up with their request for a one-day pick-up with an email sent to the staff member taking the message.

Changes to dismissal

  • All dismissal changes must be received in writing.
  • All dismissal changes must be made through the main office.
  • Same day dismissal changes will be accepted by the main office until 2:45 p.m.

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