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Bilingual, ENL, and World Languages

Our Belief in Multilingual Education

The Enlarged City School District of Middletown (ECSDM) is in alignment with the New York State Education Department’s (NYSED) and the Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages’ (OBEWL) mission “to ensure that all New York State (NYS) students, including English Language Learners/ Multilingual Learners (ELLs/MLLs), attain the highest level of academic success and language proficiency… to ensure that all students’ individual educational paths and socio-emotional needs are met in multiple languages leading them to college and career readiness.” 

We believe that all teachers are teachers of ELLs/MLLs.

We recognize that the education of English Language Learners (ELLs) includes learning a new language and culture and requires special consideration and attention.

We offer a variety of language programs for our scholars, such as Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE), One-Way Bilingual (Dual Language Model), Two-Way Bilingual (Dual Language Model), English as a New Language (ENL), and  World Languages Other Than English (LOTE ) in French and Spanish. 

We also offer a Newcomer Program in partnership with Orange Ulster BOCES (OUBOCES) for Scholars with Interrupted Formal Education (SIFE).

Three women sitting at a table with ENL information
Linda Rivera Bradt presenting
A group of translators at a school event

53 Bedford Ave
Middletown, NY 10940
(845) 326-1302

Linda Rivera Bradt
Director for Bilingual, ENL, and World Languages

Elizabeth Rodriguez
Elementary Instructional Leader

Ivelisse Sanchez
Elementary Instructional Leader

Bilingual, ENL, and World Languages News and Events