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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Board of Education of the Enlarged City School District of Middletown, New York (the “District”), shall hold an informational public hearing on Thursday, May 9, 2024, at 6:30 p.m., prevailing time, at Media Center at Middletown High School, 30 Gardner Ave. Ext., Middletown, New York, for the purpose of conveying information regarding the expenditure of funds and the budgeting of such expenditures for the 2024-2025 school year.

NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, that the Annual District Meeting and Election shall occur on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, for the purpose of enabling the District’s properly registered and qualified voters to: (i) vote on the District budget for the 2024-2025 school year, which shall appear on the ballot as Proposition No. 1; (ii) elect members of the Board of Education; and (iii) transact such other business as is authorized by law; (iv) vote on appointing an ex officio, non-voting student member to serve on the Board pursuant to Education Law §§2502(10), (10-a). Ballots will be cast upon voting machines, between the hours of 7 a.m. and 9 p.m., prevailing time, at the polling places listed below:

District #1 - Presidential Park Elementary, 48 Roosevelt Avenue
District #2 - Maple Hill Annex at Truman Moon, 53 Bedford Avenue
District #3 - Board of Education Administrative Office, 223 Wisner Avenue

NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, that a copy of the statement of the amount of money which will be required for the 2024-2025 school year for school purposes may be obtained by any resident in the District during the fourteen (14) days immediately preceding the Annual District Meeting and Election, other than a Saturday, Sunday or Holiday, at: each of the District’s school houses on the days and times that school is in session; at the Board of Education Administrative Office between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.; at the Thrall Library; and on the District’s internet website at:

NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, in accordance with §495 of the N.Y. Real Property Tax Law, that the District shall prepare a Real Property Tax “Exemption Report” which will show how much of the assessed value on the final assessment roll (utilized for the school tax levy) is exempt from taxation by the school District. This exemption report will list every type of exemption granted and will show: (1) the cumulative impact of each type of exemption; (2) the cumulative amount expected to be received as payments in lieu of taxes (PILOTS), or other payments, from recipients of each type of exemption; (3) the cumulative impact of all exemptions granted. This Exemption Report will be posted on the District’s website and on District bulletin boards utilized for posting public notices. The Exemption Report will be annexed to any preliminary District budget, and will become part of the final budget.

NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, that four (4) members of the Board of Education will be elected due to the expiration of the terms of Paula Blumenau, John Perrino, Denise Romero, and Mitchell Williams: three (3) for three (3) year terms commencing July 1, 2024 and expiring June 30, 2027 and one (1) for the unexpired term July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025, created by a previous Board Member’s resignation. Petitions nominating candidates for the office of Board of Education member must be filed with the District Clerk not later than 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, May 1, 2024. Candidates must be qualified voters and must have one (1) year residency in the school district immediately preceding the date of the Annual District Meeting and Election. Each petition must be directed to the District Clerk, must be signed by at least 100 qualified voters of the District, must state the residence of each signer, and must state the name and residence of the candidate. Petition forms may be obtained from the District Clerk weekdays between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that applications for absentee ballots may be applied for at the District Clerk’s Office. If the ballot is to be mailed to the voter, the completed application must be received by the Clerk no later than 4:00 p.m., prevailing time, on May 14, 2024. If the ballot is to be delivered personally to the voter, the completed application must be received by the District Clerk no later than 4:00 p.m., prevailing time, on May 20, 2024. A list of all persons to whom absentee ballots are issued will be available for public inspection at the Office of the District Clerk during regular office hours until the day of the election. Absentee ballots that do not reach the office of the District Clerk by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 will not be canvassed.

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that military voters who are not currently registered may apply to register as qualified voters of the school district. Military voters may request an application to register as a qualified voter from the District Clerk. Military voter registration application forms must be received in the Office of the District Clerk no later than 5:00 p.m. on May 7, 2024. In order for a military voter to be issued a military ballot, the school district must have received in the office of the school district clerk a valid ballot application no later than 5:00 pm on May 7, 2024. A military voter may designate a preference to receive a military voter registration, military ballot application or military ballot by mail, facsimile transmission or electronic mail in their request for such registration, ballot application, or ballot. Such designation shall remain in effect until revoked or changed by the military voter. Ballots for military voters shall be mailed, or otherwise distributed, no later than May 8, 2024.

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that pursuant to Section 2018-e of the Education Law, applications for early mail ballots may be obtained at the Office of the District Clerk of the School District, during all days in which the School District is in session. Completed applications must be received by the District Clerk no earlier than April 22, 2024 and by May 14, 2024, if the early mail ballot is to be mailed to the voter. If the early mail ballot is to be delivered personally to the voter at the Office of the District Clerk the completed application must be received by the District Clerk no later than May 20, 2024. No early mail voter’s ballot will be canvassed unless it has been received in the Office of the District Clerk of the School District no later than 5:00 p.m. on May 21, 2024. A list of all persons to whom early ballots have been issued will be available in the Office of the District Clerk’s office during office hours on and after May 15, 2024 until May 20, 2024, except on Sundays, by prearranged appointment, and such list shall also be posted at the polling place or places at the election of members of the board of education. A challenge to an early voting ballot may not be made on the basis that the voter should have applied for an absentee ballot.

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that personal registration of voters in the Enlarged City School District of Middletown, New York, is required pursuant to Education Law. If a qualified voter has heretofore registered pursuant to Education Law or has voted at a school election within the last four (4) calendar years, he or she is eligible to vote at the May 21, 2024, annual meeting and election without re-registering. If a voter is registered and eligible to vote under Article 5 of the Election Law, he or she is also eligible to vote at this election without re-registering. All other persons who wish to vote must register. The Board of Registration will meet at the Administrative Office of the Board of Education, 223 Wisner Avenue, Middletown, New York on Tuesday, May 7, 2024, between the hours of 12 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. to add any additional names to the Register to be used at the aforesaid annual meeting and election, at which time any person will be entitled to have his or her name placed on such Register, provided that at such meeting of the Board of Registration he or she is known or proven to the satisfaction of said Board of Registration to be then or thereafter entitled to vote at such annual meeting and election for which the register is prepared.

By Order of the Board of Education of the Enlarged City School District
Middletown, New York
Crystal Monchery
District Clerk