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Middle School Athletics

A girl on the middle school softball team about to swing a bat
Three scholars run around the track
A boy is blocked during a basketball game

Welcome to the Middletown Middies 7th and 8th grade middle school interscholastic athletic program.  

The Middletown City School District believes that a dynamic middle school program of student activities is important to the educational development of all students. Therefore, interscholastic athletics are an integral part of the total education process. Athletics should be a broadening experience in which harmony of mind-body functions is created through striving for physical and mental excellence. A well-coordinated program for our 7th and 8th grade students is vitally important to the morale of the school and our community.
Young people learn a great deal from participation in interscholastic athletics. Athletics serve as a miniature model of life in that they provide opportunities for students with regard to responsibility, fair play, cooperation, concern for others, leadership, respect for authority, good citizenship, loyalty and perseverance.
It is the nature of athletic competition to strive for victory. However, the number of victories is only one criterion when determining success. Developing the will to win and attaining maximum potential are the ultimate goals. To this end, the Athletic Department strives to teach student-athletes to prepare their minds and bodies in order to reach maximum potential and then to be modest in victory and steadfast in defeat.  

It is extremely important to note that at no time will our program place the educational academic curriculum secondary in emphasis to interscholastic athletics.

The middle school interscholastic athletic program is available to all students in the 7th and 8th grade students between the ages of 12 to 15.  At this level the focus is on learning athletic skills and game rules, fundamentals of team play, socio-emotional growth, physiologically appropriate demands on the adolescent body and healthy competition. This program is designed to offer students the opportunity to engage in a more highly organized competitive experience than that which is found in intramural or recreational programs, but not as involved as those found in varsity and junior varsity interscholastic competition. An attempt will be made to give all team members meaningful contest participation over the course of a season.
Please feel free to contact the Athletic Department if you have any questions or concerns regarding our middle school athletic programing. We look forward to working with you to ensure that you take advantage of the tremendous opportunities athletics can provide. GO MIDDIES!

David Coates, CMAA

David Coates, CAA

Director for Physical Education, Health, and Athletics

30 Gardner Ave, Extension
Middletown, NY 10940  
(845) 326-1532

Tami Walter
Athletic Administrative  
(845) 326-1533

Kevin Gleason
Events Coordinator  
(845) 326-1531

Craig Olejniczak
Athletic Trainer
(845) 326-1609

Middle School Sports

Fall Sports
  • Cross Country Boys & Girls 
  • ESports
  • Fall Cheerleading
  • Football
  • Soccer Boys
  • Soccer Girls 
  • Volleyball Girls 
Winter Sports
  • Basketball Boys
  • Basketball Girls
  • Competition Cheerleading
  • ESports
  • Wrestling Boys & Girls Varsity
Spring Sports
  • Baseball
  • ESports
  • Lacrosse Girls
  • Lacrosse Boys
  • Outdoor Track Girls
  • Outdoor Track Boys
  • Softball

   Athletic Participation Requirements and Forms